If your blog not attracting enough subscribers as you like? That’s normal for most blogs. However, ultimately you should have a healthy number of readers for the blog to be a success. Here are several ideas for attracting more subscribers to your blog:
Use Digital Marketing Wisely
Exactly who are you attracting with your existing digital marketing plan? Hire an SEO agency to run your digital marketing plan wisely. The agents would use existing data to find out which target audience is the best for your blog. It’s important to understand how to spend for marketing here. Advertise on the channels with the best ROI only. Don’t spend money on endless PPC ads to drive traffic, only to see that traffic disperse. With professional help, you will be able to reach the right audience for your blog.
Create Videos
Video is the latest form of rising content that’s taking over the internet. Therefore, the best way to get more people to stick with your blog is to offer them video content. Start to regularly create video content in addition to your regular blog posts. Video live streams can attract wild and devoted audiences as well. Carefully consider this option to get more people to subscribe.
Carefully Place the CTA Button
The CTA button for getting people to subscribe should be tactically placed on the blog. Your blog may be attracting readers, but doe to conversion issues, they may not be subscribing. Therefore, check the placement of the CTA button. It should be prominently featured on the site above the fold, or before anyone can scroll down. The CTA button should contrast well with what’s remaining in the background as well. Proper placement is key for getting the CTA button to work.
Aim Content at the Right Audience
Are you sure you are creating the right type of content for your audience? If the audience has changed, then their interests would have also changed. If that’s the case, the content has to change too. Not all content flies well with all audiences, regardless of how well made it is. Therefore, make sure the content on the blog is what the readers want to read about.
Increase the Site Speed
Slow blogs only lost readers. If you want subscribers, offer them a speedy website. Google market research has shown that web users don’t stick around a website that takes longer than 2 seconds to load. Therefore, your website should be able to load in the slowest time as possible.
Buy a Security Verification Certificate
Modern web users are increasingly concerned about cybercrime. Therefore, if you want a user to subscribe, you need to alleviate the user’s familiar fears. Buy a verification certificate for the website to show that it is indeed securer.
Eliminate Interstitials
One thing your potential subscribers won’t live with is the interstitials or pop-up ads that disrupt seamless drowning. To make sure visitors can proceed seamlessly, eliminate all such interstitials or pop up ads.
Now, use the above suggestions to improve the readership of your blog.